Rulemaking & Rules Advisory Council


Rulemaking at the Colorado Department of Early Childhood

In April 2022, Governor Polis signed HB22-1295, which created the Colorado Department of Early Childhood (CDEC), to coordinate a unified early childhood system and ensure the equitable distribution of resources and programming. The Executive Director was granted rulemaking authority, and is advised by the Rules Advisory Council (RAC) before considering the promulgation of rules and/or amendments. If you would like to receive rulemaking notices, sign up for email notifications. For questions, please contact CDEC_Rulemaking@state.co.us or Elena Kemp at: Elena.kemp@state.co.us.

Click on the photos below to view CDEC's rulemaking process and structure. 
CDEC Permanent Rulemaking Process   CDEC Emergency and Permanent Rulemaking Process
(Click on the photos to enlarge or download the flowcharts)


For more information on the current laws, rules, and regulations in Colorado, please review the official state publications: Colorado Revised Statutes (Colorado Laws); and the Code of Colorado Regulations (Colorado Administrative Rules and Regulations).

The table below provides a roadmap for all the programs within the Colorado Department of Early Childhood (CDEC) that have administrative rules, and links to the historical locations of the rules that previously existed within the Colorado Department of Human Services (CDHS):

Division of Early Learning, Access, and Quality (DELAQ)

School Readiness and Quality Improvement Program (SRQIP)

CDEC CCR No. 8 CCR 1401-1 

CDHS CCR No. 12 CCR 2509-8 (Historical Version)

Early Childhood Councils (ECC) 

CDEC CCR No. 8 CCR 1401-1 

CDHS CCR No. 12 CCR 2509-8 (Historical Version)

Colorado Child Care Assistance Program (CCCAP)

CDEC CCR No. 8 CCR 1403-1 

CDHS CCR No. 9 CCR 2503-9 (Historical Version)

Division of Early Learning, Licensing, and Administration (DELLA)

General Child Care Licensing 

CDEC CCR No. 8 CCR 1402-1 

CDHS CCR No. 12 CCR 2509-8 (Historical Version)

Child Care Centers

CDEC CCR No. 8 CCR 1402-1 

CDHS CCR No. 12 CCR 2509-8 (Historical Version)

Family Child Care Homes (FCCH)

CDEC CCR No. 8 CCR 1402-1 

CDHS CCR No. 12 CCR 2509-8 (Historical Version)

Children’s Resident Camps

CDEC CCR No. 8 CCR 1402-1 

CDHS CCR No. 12 CCR 2509-8 (Historical Version)

School-Aged Child Care Programs

CDEC CCR No. 8 CCR 1402-1 

CDHS CCR No. 12 CCR 2509-8 (Historical Version)

Special Activities

CDEC CCR No. 8 CCR 1402-1 

CDHS CCR No. 12 CCR 2509-8 (Historical Version)

Neighborhood Youth Organizations (NYO)

CDEC CCR No. 8 CCR 1402-1 

CDHS CCR No. 12 CCR 2509-8 (Historical Version)

Substitute Placements 

CDEC CCR No. 8 CCR 1402-1 

CDHS CCR No. 12 CCR 2509-8 (Historical Version)

Division of Universal Preschool (UPK)

Colorado Universal Preschool Program (UPK)

CDEC CCR No. 8 CCR 1404-1


Division of Community and Family Support (DCFS) 

Nurse Home Visitor Program (NHVP)

CDEC CCR No. 8 CCR 1401-1

CDHS CCR No. 12 CCR 2509-9 (Historical Version)

Early Intervention Colorado Program (EI)

CDEC CCR No. 8 CCR 1405-1

CDHS CCR No. 12 CCR 2509-10 (Historical Version)

CDEC Department Wide

CDEC Administrative Appeals

CDEC CCR No. 8 CCR 1406-1

CDHS CCR No. 9 CCR 2503-8 (Historical Version)

The 15-member Rules Advisory Council (RAC) will advise the CDEC Executive Director on developing rules to guide the functions, programs and services that the new department will oversee. The advice given by the RAC should be in the interest of all Colorado children, families, and early childhood professionals, centering on equitable distribution of resources and programming so that all children and families can access the services and supports they need to thrive.

The legislation HB22-1295 outlined a number of membership requirements in the interest of broad representation across various sectors of the early childhood system, and to ensure equitable membership. The RAC must include:

  • Representatives from programmatically diverse communities, including school-based providers, private providers, and non-parental family, friend or neighbor (FFN) providers
  • At least two representatives of county departments in diverse geographic areas of the state with knowledge of child protection, CCCAP, and related fiscal matters
  • A representative of a foundation, business, or early childhood advocacy organization
  • A representative who is an expert in the funding for rules and federal regulations concerning early childhood and family support programs and services, including laws, rules and regulations pertaining to children with disabilities
  • A representative of institutions of higher education
  • An Early Childhood health care or mental health care professional

In addition at least eight members appointed to the RAC must bring one or more of the following perspectives:

  • Parents, families, or caregivers of children who are enrolled in early childhood services
  • Members of the early childhood workforce
  • Members of historically underserved and under-resourced communities

The RAC adopted Rules Advisory Council Bylaws to guide their work on May 9, 2024. In addition, members agreed to the RAC Membership Guidebook to ensure the RAC can operate efficiently and effectively. The Early Childhood Leadership Commission (ECLC) manages the nomination process for members to serve on the Rules Advisory Council (RAC). Submit your Application to be considered for future appointments. Applications are held on file for two (2) years, and are used to fill end-of-term and mid-term vacancies.

NameOrganizationTerm Expiration 
Alma EnriquezSelf EmployedJune 30, 2025
Scott BrightABC Child Development CentersJune 30, 2025
Megan BurchEagle County GovernmentJune 30, 2025
Nazia HasanCommunity First FoundationJune 30, 2025
T Vail Shoultz-McCole Colorado Mesa University/CMU TechJune 30, 2025
Colleen Head BatchelorThe Resource ExchangeJune 30, 2026
Priscilla M. HopkinsDenver Public SchoolsJune 30, 2026
Cassandra P JohnsonTruNorth Institute, Inc.June 30, 2026
Rusha LevDenver HealthJune 30, 2026
Maegan Lokteff, Ph.D.Early Childhood Council Leadership AllianceJune 30, 2026
Heather O'HayreLarimer County Human ServicesJune 30, 2028
Amy Buford, Interim ChairEstes Park School DistrictJune 30, 2028
Alma WileyAlma Wiley Family Child Care HomeJune 30, 2028
Ashley WilsonBal Swan Children's CenterJune 30, 2028
Colin StewartSTEM Child CareJune 30, 2028

Rules Advisory Council (RAC) meetings are open to the public. Information on future meetings will be posted on this page as it becomes available.

Thursday, August 8, 2024, at 1:00 p.m. 
Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85944283394?pwd=U1Y0RUtSb0twUDhJRG1qRVRtQTU2dz09 | Meeting ID: 859 4428 3394
Meeting Materials Coming Soon!

July 11, 2024
Meeting Materials | Meeting Recording | CCCAP Eligibility Rules

June 13, 2024
Meeting Materials | Meeting Recording | UPK Per-Child Rate and Funding Rules

May 9, 2024
May 9, 2024 Meeting Materials | May 9, 2024 Meeting Recording | UPK Per-Child Rate and Funding Rules | School-Aged Child Care Rules

April 11, 2024
April 11, 2024 Meeting Materials | April 11, 2024 Meeting Recording

March 14, 2024
March 14, 2024 Meeting Materials | March 14, 2024 Meeting Recording | UPK Quality Standards Rules 

February 8, 2024
February 8, 2024 Meeting Materials | February 8, 2024 Meeting Recording | UPK Qualifying Factors Rules | UPK Quality Standards Rules

January 11, 2024
January 11, 2024 Meeting Materials | January 11, 2024 Meeting Recording | Administrative Appeals Rules | UPK Qualifying Factors Rules | UPK Quality Standards Rules

December 14, 2023
December 14, 2023 Meeting Materials | December 14, 2023Meeting Recording | Abuse and Neglect Background Check Fees Rule | Administrative Appeals Rules

November 9, 2023
November 9, 2023 Meeting Materials | November 9, 2023 Meeting Recording |Nurse Home Visitor Program Rules | Neighborhood Youth Organization Rules | Family Child Care Home Rules 

October 12, 2023
October 12, 2023 Meeting Materials | October 12, 2023 Meeting RecordingCCCAP Rules |General Licensing Rules | Child Care Centers Rules | Children's Resident Camp Rules | School-Aged Child Care Rules | Special Activities | Substitute Placement Rules 

September 14, 2023
September 14, 2023 Meeting Materials | September 14, 2023 Meeting RecordingCCCAP Rules

July 13, 2023
July 13, 2023 Meeting Materials | July 13, 2023 Meeting RecordingUPK Rules 

June 8, 2023
June 8, 2023 Meeting Materials | June 8, 2023 Meeting RecordingUPK Rules | CCCAP Rules

May 11, 2023
May 11, 2023 Meeting Materials | May 11, 2023 Meeting Recording | CCCAP Rules

April 13, 2023
April 13, 2023 Meeting Materials | April 13, 2023 Meeting Recording | ECC Rules | SRQIP Rules

March 9, 2023
March 9, 2023 Meeting Materials  |  March 9, 2023 Meeting Recording

February 9, 2023
February 9, 2023 Meeting Materials  |  February 9, 2023 Meeting Recording

January 12, 2023
January 12, 2023 Meeting Materials  |  January 12, 2023 Meeting Recording

December 8, 2022
December 8, 2022 Meeting Materials  |  December 8, 2022 Meeting Recording

November 17, 2022
November 17, 2022 Meeting Materials  |  November 17, 2022 Meeting Recording

October 13, 2022
October 13, 2022 Meeting Materials  |  October 13, 2022 Meeting Recording

September 15, 2022
September 15, 2022 Meeting Materials  |  September 15, 2022 Meeting Recording

September 1, 2022
September 1, 2022 Meeting Materials  |  September 1, 2022 Meeting Recording Part 1 and September 1, 2022 Meeting Recording Part 2

August 18, 2022
August 18, 2022 Meeting Materials |  August 18, 2022 Meeting Recording


Thursday, August 1, 2024, at 9:00 a.m.
Watch the August 1, 2024 Meeting via Zoom
Zoom Meeting ID: 846 7536 2409
Meeting Materials Coming Soon!

Tuesday, July 2, 2024
Meeting Materials | CCCAP Eligibility Rules

Previous materials from 2024.
Previous materials from 2023.
Previous materials from 2022.
List of members of the RAC County Subcommittee.

Thursday, July 25, 2024, at 12:00 p.m.
Watch the July 25, 2024 Meeting via Zoom
Zoom Meeting ID: 867 4548 6400
Hearing Materials | CCCAP Eligibility Rules

June 27, 2024
Hearing Materials | Hearing Recording | UPK Per-Child Rate and Funding Rules | School-Aged Child Care Rules

May 16, 2024
Hearing Materials | Hearing Recording | UPK Per-Child Rate and Funding Rules | School-Aged Child Care Rules

March 28, 2024
March 28, 2024 Hearing Materials | March 28, 2024 Hearing Recording | UPK Quality Standards Rules

February 22, 2024
February 22, 2024 Hearing Materials | February 22, 2024 Hearing Recording | UPK Qualifying Factors Rules 

January 22, 2024
January 22, 2024 Hearing Materials | January 22, 2024 Hearing Recording | Administrative Appeals Rules | UPK Qualifying Factors Rules | UPK Quality Standards Rules | Family Child Care Home Rules 

December 18, 2023
December 18, 2023 Hearing Materials | December 18, 2023 Hearing Recording | Nurse Home Visitor Program Rules | Neighborhood Youth Organization Rules | Abuse and Neglect Background Check Fees Rule | Administrative Appeals Rules

November 17, 2023
November 17, 2023 Hearing MaterialsNovember 17, 2023 Hearing Recording | Nurse Home Visitor Program Rules | Neighborhood Youth Organization Rules | Family Child Care Home Rules 

October 27, 2023
October 27, 2023 Hearing Materials | October 27, 2023 Hearing RecordingCCCAP Rules |General Licensing Rules | Child Care Centers Rules | Children's Resident Camp Rules | School-Aged Child Care Rules | Special Activities | Substitute Placement Rules 

September 29, 2023
September 29, 2023 Hearing Materials | September 29, 2023 Hearing RecordingCCCAP Rules 

July 28, 2023
July 28, 2023 Hearing Materials | July 28, 2023 Hearing Recording | UPK Rules

June 23, 2023
June 23, 2023 Hearing Materials | June 23, 2023 Hearing Recording | UPK Rules | CCCAP Rules

May 15, 2023
May 15, 2023 Hearing Materials | May 15, 2023 Hearing RecordingECC Rules | SRQIP Rules | CCCAP Rules

April 28, 2023
April 28, 2023 Hearing Agenda | April 28, 2023 Hearing Materials | April 28, 2023 Hearing Recording | ECC Rules | SRQIP Rules

February 24, 2023
February 24, 2023 Meeting Agenda | February 24, 2023 Meeting Materials | February 24, 2023 Meeting Recording | February 24, 2023 PowerPoint Slides | Adopted Early Intervention Colorado Program Rules

January 26, 2023
January 26, 2023 Meeting Agenda | January 26, 2023 Meeting Materials | January 26, 2023 Meeting Recording | January 26, 2023 PowerPoint Slides | Adopted Permanent Universal Preschool Program Rules

December 16, 2022
December 16, 2022 Meeting Agenda  |  December 16, 2022 Meeting Materials  |  December 16, 2022 Meeting Recording  |  December 16, 2022 PowerPoint Slides  |  Adopted Emergency Early Intervention Colorado Program Rules

November 21, 2022
November 21, 2022 Meeting Agenda  |  November 21, 2022 Meeting Materials  |  November 21, 2022 Meeting Recording  |  November 21, 2022 PowerPoint Slides  |  Adopted Emergency Additional Eligibility, Preschool Services, and Rate Setting Rule  |  Adopted Permanent CCCAP FPG and SMI Rule  |  Adopted Permanent Universal Preschool Program Eligibility Rule

September 29, 2022
September 29, 2022 Meeting Agenda  |  September 29, 2022 Meeting Materials  |  September 29, 2022 Meeting Recording  |  September 29, 2022 PowerPoint Slides  |  Emergency CCCAP Rule - Adopted  |  Emergency UPK Eligibility Rule - Adopted


Written Comments and Public Testimony
Members of the public are encouraged to submit written comments and/or register to provide testimony regarding any of the proposed rule(s) or amendments open for consideration by CDEC. 

Please email CDEC_Rulemaking@state.co.us to submit your written comments, ahead of the Rules Advisory Council Meeting(s) or Public Rulemaking Hearing(s). All written comments will be posted publicly and shared with the Rules Advisory Council members and Executive Director before the proposed rules are discussed. Please provide your written comments at least one (1) day in advance of the meeting/hearing. 

Register to testify during a Rules Advisory Council meeting or Public Rulemaking Hearing, at least one (1) day in advance of the meeting/hearing. 

If you have any questions or have difficulty accessing the forms above, please contact CDEC_Rulemaking@state.co.us

Cost-Benefit Analysis
A member of the public may contact the Colorado Department of Regulatory Agencies (DORA) - Colorado Office of Policy Research and Regulatory Reform (COPRRR) to request a cost-benefit analysis (CBA) from CDEC for any proposed new or amended rule(s). COPRRR provides a mechanism for citizens to receive Notices of Proposed Rulemaking in their areas of interest. When you sign up to receive Regulatory Notices, you are provided with information on the proposed rules, its public hearing and an effortless way to request that the rulemaking agency complete a cost-benefit analysis of the new or amended rule(s).

Visit DORA-COPRRR for more information.

CDEC is committed to providing equal access to our meetings/hearings for all participants. If you would like to request a reasonable accommodation to attend a Rules Advisory Council meeting or Public Rulemaking Hearing, please contact Elena Kemp at Elena.kemp@state.co.us with your request by the close of business at least one (1) week in advance of a meeting/hearing.

Departmental Regulatory Agenda
Pursuant to section 2-7-203(4), C.R.S., each department shall file a Departmental Regulatory Agenda (Regulatory Agenda) with the staff of the legislative council, who distributes the Regulatory Agenda to the applicable committee of reference prior to any departmental presentations. Each department shall also post its Regulatory Agenda on its website, and submit its Regulatory Agenda to the Colorado Secretary of State for publication in the Colorado Register. Annual Departmental Regulatory Agendas are published in the November 10th issues of the Colorado Register.

The Colorado Department of Early Childhood (CDEC) filed and submitted its 2024 Regulatory Agenda to the Colorado Secretary of State on October 31, 2023, and staff of the legislative council on November 1, 2023. Please review the CDEC 2024 Regulatory Agenda for more information on the rules CDEC is planning to consider for implementation during the 2024 calendar year. Review the previous Regulatory Agendas submitted by the Department.

Rule Tracker
The purpose of the Rule Tracker below is to inform the public of all potential proposed rule/amendment(s) before the Notice of the Rulemaking Hearing is filed with the Colorado Secretary of State (SOS) and Department of Regulatory Agencies (DORA) - Colorado Office of Policy, Research, and Regulatory Reform (COPRRR). It serves as a "real-time" Departmental Regulatory Agenda, to provide information to interested stakeholders, promote public awareness, increase participation, and support transparency of CDEC's rulemaking proceedings. Adopted rule/amendment(s) will remain listed on this database, for the full calendar year.

(To enlarge, click on the CDEC Rule Tracker (link) or "Looker Studio" icon on the bottom right corner of the CDEC Rule Tracker)