CDEC Memo Series


CDEC Memo Series 

The Colorado Department of Early Childhood (CDEC) Memo Series is designed to streamline and clarify CDEC policies and expectations of county partners and contracted entities. There are two types of memos, which communicate the time sensitivity and importance of the policy and/or expectation: Operation and Information. Each memo type is described below or download the Memo Series Overview

Note: The Memo Series may NOT be used to change, create, replace or waive any state or federal law or regulation/rule.

An Operation Memo (OM) provides detailed instructions for counties or other contracted entities to operationalize new or existing state law, state rule, federal law or federal regulation. OMs provide  guidance to counties or other contracted entities on how to apply a statute or rule. However, OMs do not expand or create statutory or regulatory obligations , and are not legal advice. Instead, they are intended to help resolve conflicting practices or interpretations of a statute or rule. If a county or other contracted entity has a specific legal question, they should always consult their legal counsel. OMs may be used to inform counties or other contracted entities how CDEC will measure performance compliance and may cover administrative issues such as documentation, reporting, and database functionality. OMs help ensure clear and uniform administration of CDEC-supervised programs across counties and contracted entities.

Operation memos are active for up to three years, with an implementation and expiration date included on the header of each memo; after three years, they are archived and then re-issued if necessary. 


UPK Operation Memos

Memo #Memo TitleIssue DateExpiration DateKeywords
OM-UPK-2024-0001UPK Quality Standards 2024-2025May 31, 2024July 1, 2027Universal Preschool, quality standards
OM-UPK-2023-0001UPK Quality Standards 2023-24


April 5, 2023

July 1, 2025Universal preschool, quality standards
OM-UPK-2023-0002Infant and Toddler WaiverSeptember 11, 2023n/ainfant, toddler, waiver, Universal preschool, waiver-based exception, under-3-years-old


Finance Operation Memos

Memo #Memo TitleIssue DateExpiration DateKeywords
OM-CFO-2024-0001State Fiscal Year 2024-25 CCCAP County Allocations6/24/20246/30/2025County Allocation, Financial Services
OM-CFO-2023-0001State Fiscal Year 2023-24 CCCAP County Allocations


July 28, 2023

June 30, 2024County Allocation, Financial Services


CCCAP Operation Memos

Memo #Memo TitleIssue DateExpiration DateKeywords
OM-CCCAP-2024-0003CCCAP Quality Improvement Expenditures Through TANF Block Grant and TANF Reserves7/26/247/31/27Colorado Child Care Assistance Program, CCCAP, Quality Improvement, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, TANF, Colorado Works, TANF Transfer, TANF Reserves
OM-CCCAP-2024-0002CCCAP State-Established Licensed Provider Daily Reimbursement RatesJune 17, 2024July 31, 2027State-Established, Licensed, Provider, Daily, Tiered, Reimbursement, Rate
OM-CCCAP-2024-0001July 1st County Entry Level ChangesMay 13, 2024June 30, 2027Colorado Child Care Assistance Program, CCCAP, Entry Levels, Federal Poverty Levels, Stimulus

Child Care Assistance Program 

Performance Measures and Reports 

November 20, 2023

November 19, 2026

Colorado Child Care Assistance Program, Department of Early Childhood, Measures, Performance, Program Integrity, Monitoring, Timely, Accuracy

OM-CCCAP-2023-005Revised CCCAP Application &
Redetermination Forms
June 2, 2023Until SupersededCCCAP, Application, Redetermination, Forms
OM-CCCAP-2023-0004Qualified Exempt Provider Rule
Changes - Group Sizes
June 13, 2023June 30, 2026Group Sizes, Ratio, Qualified Exempt, Provider, Non-Relative Provider, Relative
Provider, Unrelated, CCCAP
OM-CCCAP-2023-0003Colorado Child Care Assistance
Program 7.1.2023 Rule Changes
June 13, 2023July 1, 2026Colorado Child Care Assistance Program, CCCAP, Rules
OM-CCCAP-2023-0002Contracting With Another County
To Support The Administration Of CCCAP
April 4, 2023March 31, 2026CCCAP, Contracts, Agreements, MOU, Administration
OM-CDEC-2023-0001Timely Processing for CCCAP Applications and Re-determinations


Feb. 10, 2023

Feb. 10, 2026CCCAP, Timely Processing, Application, Re-determination
OM-CDEC-2022-0004Revised CCCAP State-Established
Licensed Provider Daily Reimbursement
Sept. 26, 2022Sept. 30, 2024School-Age, State-Established, Licensed, Provider, Daily, Tiered, Reimbursement,
OM-CDEC-2022-0001Revised CCCAP Application &
Redetermination Forms
July 19, 2022Until SupersededCCCAP, Application, Redetermination, Form
OM-ECL-2022-0004Revised CCCAP RulesJuly 1, 2022July 1, 2025CCCAP, Rules
OM-ECL-2022-0005Colorado Child Care Assistance
Performance Measures and Monitoring
June 30, 2022June 30, 2025CCCAP, Department of Early Childhood, Measures, Performance, Program Integrity, Monitoring, Timely, Accuracy
OM-ECL-2022-001CCCAP Stimulus Strategy ActivitiesJune 6, 2022July 1, 2025CCCAP, Stimulus, ARPA, CRRSA, CCDF
OM-ECL-2022-0003Colorado Child Care Assistance
Program Memorandum of Understanding
June 1, 2022June 30, 2025CCCAP, Department of Early Childhood, Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)
OM-ECL-2021-0010Instructions for the use of the
Attendance Tracking System (ATS) Waiver
Dec. 20, 2021Dec. 20, 2024Attendance Tracking System, CCCAP, Manual Claim, Reimbursement, Payment
OM-ECL-2021-0009CCCAP Quality Improvement Expenditures Through TANF Block GrantNov. 19, 2021Nov. 19, 2024CCCAP, Quality Improvement, TANF, Child Care Assistance Program, TANF
OM-ECL-2021-0008Implementation of CCCAP State Tax Intercept FunctionalitySept. 15, 2021Until SupersededCCCAP
OM-ECL-2021-0007Implementation of 7/1/21 Parent Fee Formula ChangesJuly 1, 2021Sept. 30, 2023CCCAP, Parent Fee, Formula, Rule
OM-ECL-2021-004Child Support Exemption for CCCAPJune 11, 2021Until SupersededCCCAP, Child Support Exemptions, Good Cause, Counties, Child Care Assistance Program
OM-ECL-2021-003Electronic Colorado Works Child Care Referral FormMay 24, 2021Until SupersededCCCAP, Child Care, Referral, Colorado Works
OM-ECL-2020-004Additional Guidance on Child Care for School-Age ChildrenAug. 21, 2020Aug. 21, 2023CCCAP, Child Care, Authorize, Schedule, Rule, School-Age Children, Remote
OM-ECL-2020-003Child Care for School-Age ChildrenAug. 11, 2020Aug. 11, 2023CCCAP, Child Care, Authorize, Schedule, Rule, School-Age Children


Archived UPK Operation Memos

Memo #Memo TitleIssue DateExpiration DateKeywords





Archived CCCAP Operation Memos

Memo #Memo TitleIssue DateExpiration DateKeywords




An Information Memo (IM) provides important information for counties or other state designated agencies, that is strictly informational and timely. Examples include announcements of grants that counties may apply for, posting of a Request for Proposal, a canceled webinar or training, etc. 


UPK Information Memos

Memo #Memo TitleIssue DateExpiration DateKeywords
IM-HEAD START-2023-0001Head Start and Universal Preschool
Collaboration Funding Guidance
September 11, 2023n/aHead Start, Universal Preschool, UPK


Community and Family Support Memos

Memo #Memo TitleIssue DateExpiration DateKeywords
IM-CCR-2024-0001Qualtrics Referral Survey for Colorado Community ResponseJanuary 31, 2024June 30, 2024CCR, human services, screen-out, referral, web-based link
IM-CCR-2023-0001Colorado Community Response (CCR) Program ConclusionDecember 12, 2023June 30th, 2024CCR, human services, family strengthening


CCCAP Information Memos

Memo #Memo TitleIssue DateExpiration DateKeywords
IM-CCCAP-2024-0003Colorado Child Care Assistance Program & Colorado Universal Preschool Dual Enrollment Data5/31/20245/31/2025Colorado Child Care Assistance Program, CCCAP, Universal Preschool Program
IM-CCCAP-2024-0002County Child Care Assistance Program Allocation Transfer ProcessApril 22, 2024May 31, 2025CCCAP, Allocation transfer, Buys/Sells, County MOE
IM-CCCAP-2024-0001Preliminary Federal CCDF Rule Change Cost EstimatesMarch 7, 2024March 7, 2025 CCCAP, CCDF, Rules

State Fiscal Year 2023-24 Revised CCCAP County Allocations


6/30/2024CCCAP, Allocation, Financial Services
IM-CCCAP-2023-0006December 2023 CHATS Release TrainingDecember 20, 2023February 29, 2024CCCAP, CHATS, Training
IM-CCCAP-2023-0005Colorado Child Care Assistance
Federal Poverty Guidelines and State
Median Income Figure Updates and Rule
Section Number Changes
September 29, 2023September 30, 2024Colorado Child Care Assistance Program (CCCAP), Federal Poverty Guidelines
(FPG), State Median Income (SMI), Child Care Automated Tracking System (CHATS), Rules
IM-OES-2023-0001Administrative Disqualification Hearing (ADH) Waiver UpdateAugust 28, 2023July 19, 2024Intentional Program Violation (IPV), Administrative Disqualification Hearing (ADH), Colorado Works (CW), Adult Financial (AF), Colorado Child Care Assistance Program (CCCAP), Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), Waiver
IM-CCCAP-2023-04CHATS Release TrainingAugust 7, 2023August 7, 2023CCCAP, CHATS, Training
IM-CCCAP-2023-0003County Child Care Assistance Program Allocation Transfer ProcessJune 15, 2023May 31, 2024CCCAP, Allocation transfer, Buys/Sells, County MOE
IM-CCCAP-2023-0002Colorado Child Care Assistance Program & Universal Preschool Colorado Collaboration Updates May 31, 2023June 1, 2024 Colorado Child Care Assistance Program, CCCAP, Universal Preschool Program, UPK
IM-CDEC-2022-0003CHATS/ACSES Interface ChangesNov. 18, 2022Nov. 18, 2023CHATS, ACSES, Child Support, CCCAP


Archived UPK Information Memos

Memo #Memo TitleIssue DateExpiration DateKeywords





Archived CCCAP Information Memos

Memo #Memo TitleIssue DateExpiration DateKeywords
IM-CDEC-2023-0001CCCAP Rule Public Comment Period


March 9, 2023

March 19, 2023CCCAP, Rules, Public Comment
IM-ECL-2022-0002CCCAP Impact of Child Support
Services Application Fee Changes
May 6, 2022May 6, 2023CCCAP, Child Support Services, Application Fee
IM-ECL-2022-0003County Child Care Assistance
Program Allocation Transfer Process
May 31, 2022June 30, 2023CCCAP, Allocation transfer, Buys/Sells, County MOE

CDEC is committed to informing partners, communities and families of opportunities to participate in the development and revisions of rules or statewide implementation plans. Visit the CDEC Rulemaking and Rules Advisory Council website for meeting information, agendas, rules packages and opportunities for engagement and participation. 

Questions? Contact the Department of Early Childhood:

Phone: 1-800-799-5876
Fax: 303-866-4453