Investing in a Stronger Early Childhood Ecosystem

We invested $700 million of federal and state stimulus funding toward more than 40 strategies that improve access and quality, workforce development and family strengthening.

Read More about Investing in a Stronger Early Childhood Ecosystem

Universal Preschool Colorado Family Applications are Open!

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A parent and child read a book together while the child eats a banana.

Stay Connected with CDEC

With the launch of the Colorado Department of Early Childhood and preparation for Universal Preschool Colorado in the 2023-24 school year, there is a lot happening in early childhood! To stay connected sign up to receive our monthly newsletter. You can also follow along on social media. Find us on Facebook (en español), Instagram, and LinkedIn.

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Picture of CDEC staff gathered on a set of stairs.

The Colorado Department of Early Childhood is Hiring!

Join our team to have an impact on the lives of our youngest Coloradans, ensuring the Colorado children, families and providers are valued, healthy and thriving. View our current job openings, and keep checking back, as many more job opportunities will open in the coming months and weeks. You can also follow us on LinkedIn for regular notifications about job postings.

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News Feed

The Colorado Department of Early Childhood (CDEC) has launched a new website today, hosted on its main site. The site, titled “Investing in a Stronger Early Childhood Ecosystem,” details goals, funding streams, and data for the more than 40 stimulus-funded strategies CDEC implemented to address pandemic recovery needs and strengthen Colorado’s early childhood sector. The website is designed to…
The Colorado Department of Early Childhood (CDEC) published the state’s Universal Preschool Program Quality Standards today, in partnership with early childhood stakeholders throughout the state. With input from nearly 700 Colorado families, providers, school districts, early childhood councils, members of the workforce, the Rules Advisory Committee and more, the benchmarks balance 26 national…
The Colorado Department of Early Childhood (CDEC) is offering a one-time financial opportunity to registered Universal Preschool providers this spring. Any registered 2024-25 Universal Preschool provider who enters into a new Colorado Child Care Assistance Program (CCCAP) fiscal agreement with a county between January 1, 2024 and June 15, 2024 will be eligible to receive a one-time $2,000 bonus.…

About the Department of Early Childhood


The Colorado Department of Early Childhood ensures the delivery of a comprehensive, community-informed, data-driven, high quality and equitable early childhood system that supports the care, education and well-being of all Colorado’s young children, their families and early childhood professionals in all settings.


All Colorado children, families, and early childhood professionals are valued, healthy and thriving.