Family enrollment in 2024-25 Colorado Universal Preschool is now open! All children in their year before kindergarten can register for at least 15 hours of funding per week towards a high-quality preschool of their choice. Over 2,000 providers have applied to participate in the program this coming school year. Read more or register here!
Contact Us
Have more questions or need help with Universal Preschool Colorado? Contact us using this short form or call 303-866-5223.
Tiene mas preguntas o necesita ayuda con Preescolar Universal de Colorado? Contáctenos usando este breve formulario o llámenos al 303-866-5223.
NOTE: The information provided generally relates to preschool general education. Preschool special education may involve additional or different standards and requirements. Get more information on Universal Preschool Colorado and special education.