Have children 16 years old or under? You may be eligible for a tax credit. Go to GetAheadColorado.org for more info.


Background Checks

Colorado applicants are required to participate in a criminal background check, a child abuse and neglect records check as well, previous state(s) of residence, state criminal history check, state sex offender registry check, and state child abuse and neglect check. However, a State Criminal History Check will not be required for states participating in the National Fingerprint File (NFF) Program. Currently, there are nineteen (19) states, besides Colorado, that participate in the NFF: Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, Maryland, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, North Carolina, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Tennessee, West Virginia, and Wyoming. For all other previous states of residence, criminal history checks must be requested.

Colorado applicants are required to participate in a criminal background check and a child abuse and neglect records check. 

  • Criminal Background Checks: This is a fingerprint-based criminal history record check through the Colorado Bureau of Investigation and the Federal Bureau of Investigation to determine if the applicant has been convicted of any criminal offenses that are identified in the Colorado Child Care Licensing Act. The check is completed for employees and owners of a licensed child care facility, including Family Child Care Homes. The individual providing care in the Family Child Care Home and anyone living in that home will need to complete a background check.
  • Child Abuse and Neglect Records Check: This is a check of the Colorado Department of Human Services’ (CDHS) Trails database for confirmed reports of child abuse or neglect. This check is done when a typewritten request and fee is submitted to the BIU for people requesting this information. 

Out-of-state applicants are required to participate in a child abuse and neglect records check.

This is a check of the Colorado Department of Human Services’ (CDHS) Trails database for information to determine if the applicant has been identified as having a finding of child abuse or neglect. This check is done when a typewritten request and fee is submitted to the BIU for people requesting this information. 
Previous States of Residence Check

State Criminal History Check (SCH)

  • This is a fingerprint or name-based check through an approved state agency of previous residence to determine if prospective staff or identified current staff members who have lived in other states prior to living in Colorado within five (5) years of hire has been convicted of any criminal offense that are identified in the Colorado Child Care Licensing Act.
  • This check is not required for states participating  in the National Fingerprint File (NFF) program: Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, Maryland, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, North Carolina, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Tennessee, West Virginia, and Wyoming.

State Sex Offender Registry (SSOR) Check

  • This is a fingerprint or name-based check through an approved state agency of previous residence Sex Offender Registry to determine if prospective staff or identified current staff members who have lived in other states prior to living in Colorado within five (5) years of hire has been convicted of any criminal offense that are identified in the Colorado Child Care Licensing Act.

State Child Abuse and Neglect Registry Check (SCAN)

  • This check is a name-based search of previous state of residence Child Abuse and Neglect Registry for confirmed reports of child abuse or neglect of prospective staff or identified current staff members who have lived in other states prior to living in Colorado within five (5) years of hire.

The BIU works with the Colorado Bureau of Investigation (CBI) when searching criminal history on all employees or workers of child care centers. The criminal background check process starts when a fingerprint submission has been made and the background check fee has been paid. An employee’s fingerprint information will be flagged if the individual is arrested after the original fingerprints are processed. 

Are individuals required to submit fingerprints for each facility they work at? 

Colorado state laws limit portability of criminal background checks. An individual must submit a fingerprint for each child care facility they are employed at. ​Learn more about the criminal background check and CBI.

Colorado Applicant Background Services (CABS) program

The CBI Biometric Identification and Records Unit processes all legislatively required fingerprint-based criminal history background checks for employment and licensing purposes. Senate Bill 17-189, Consumer Options in Fingerprint Background Checks, was approved on April 24, 2017, which allows “any third party approved by the Colorado Bureau of Investigation (CBI) to take an applicant’s fingerprints for the purpose of obtaining a fingerprint-based criminal history record check.” The CABS program will be supervised by the CBI, abiding by all National and State security guidelines.

The CBI has contracted two third party vendors to participate in the CABS program Idemia (via IdentoGO Centers) and American BioIdentity (via Colorado Fingerprinting).  These vendor services will be located throughout the State and will electronically transmit the civil fingerprints. 

The CABS program will only change the method in which fingerprints are processed and transmitted to the CBI. The program will not impact the way the results of the background checks are administered. All background check results will continue to be provided to the respective agency accounts via the CBI’s Secure Document Delivery System (SDDS) as they do currently.

Under the CABS program, applicants will enroll and schedule an appointment on the website of the vendor of their choice: IndentoGO or Colorado Fingerprinting.

Licensed Family Child Care Home Providers Instructions

New Applicants

New Family Child Care Home Provider Applicants must complete all relevant Family Child Care Home Application documents and training; and submit the licensing package and fee to the Division of Early Care and Learning, Colorado Department of Early Childhood.  The applicant will then be assigned a license number and given instructions on how to complete the Colorado Bureau of Investigation/Federal Bureau of Investigation fingerprint-based background check.
Current Providers

  • IdentoGO: Current Licensed Family Child Care Home Providers utilizing IndentoGo must select the Licensed Childcare - Licensed Family Childcare Home links for Services Name and Codes (25YJ15). When prompted, please enter CBI Account Number CONCJ1705 and when prompted again, enter your Colorado Department of Human Services (CDHS) or Colorado Department of Early Childhood (CDEC) issued Day Care License Number (DCL)/Provider Number. 
  • Colorado Fingerprinting: Current Licensed Family Child Care Home Providers utilizing Colorado Fingerprinting must select the Licensed Family Childcare Home link. When prompted, please enter the reason for fingerprinting, 26-6-101, your CBI Unique Code 1705DCLI and your Colorado Department of Human Services) issued Day Care License Number (DCL)/Provider Number. 

Employer and Address

Please note that Licensed Family Child Care Home Providers’ employer is the Colorado Department of Early Childhood.  The address for fingerprinting purposes is:

CBC Unit
710 S. Ash Street
Denver, CO 80246

Under the CABS program, applicants will enroll and schedule an appointment on the website of the vendor of their choice: IndentoGO or Colorado Fingerprinting.


Please schedule a fingerprint appointment by completing the following:

Service Names and Codes

Step 1: Service codes and account/licensing numbers are unique to your hiring/licensing agency, please select the link that corresponds with the service that you are applying under:

Step 2: Select: Schedule or Manage Appointment

Step 3: Follow the prompts to enter the requested information

Services Codes

For convenience, you may download, complete and print a copy of the attached CABS form to use when making an appointment with IdentoGO. As a reminder, service codes and account/licensing numbers are unique to your hiring/licensing agency, therefore you must ensure that you choose the service code that corresponds with the service that you offer.

Payment for IndentoGo’s Fingerprint Services

You may pay for your fingerprint services at your fingerprint appointment using a credit card, business check, or money order.  No cash or personal checks will be accepted. Your fingerprints will be submitted to the Colorado Bureau of Investigation and the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
Learn more about Indemia and IdentoGo

Colorado Fingerprinting

Colorado Fingerprinting applicants can choose to be fingerprinted at any of their locations.

Applicants will get started through Colorado Fingerprint’s Online Enrollment Center.  As part of the enrollment process, each applicant will provide the CBI unique ID assigned to their employer together with other identifying information. 
Applicant Instructions

  1. Applicants will go online to schedule an appointment. Each applicant will choose a location, date and time that is convenient for their appointment. 
  2. Applicants will pay the fee (CBI and FBI fee, plus $15 vendor service fee) using a credit/debit card.  After the payment is processed the applicant will receive, by text message and email, an Order ID that will be used to identify the applicant upon arrival at the fingerprint location.
  3. When applicants arrive at the chosen fingerprint location on the scheduled date and time, they will be required to identify themselves to the enrollment agent using a valid photo ID and the Order ID (email or text version). Thereafter the Livescan fingerprints, digital photo and digital signature will be captured and submitted to CBI. Please note that before fingerprints are taken, all CABS applicants must register through Colorado Fingerprinting Online Enrollment Center with assistance, if needed, from the vendor’s Call Center.
  4. Providers may utilize the application instructions below, which includes the reason fingerprinted and the CBI Unique ID assigned to the employer/provider.
  5. Fingerprint results are returned by CBI in the same manner as they were prior to the implementation of the CABS program.
  6. HR Administrators will have access to the Status Portal which may be used to track employees fingerprint process. This portal will allow them to see, at any time, the status of: -
    • Registered Applicants - Applicants that have registered for fingerprinting.
    • Appointment Details - Selected fingerprinting location and appointment day and time.
    • Date Fingerprinted - Date the applicant was fingerprinted.
    • Payment Method - View the payment status 
    • Completion/Rejection Status - The status of the fingerprint within the CBI.  That is, was the submission to CBI successful or rejected.

Learn more about Colorado Fingerprinting

Who is required to complete a criminal background check?

  • Every applicant for an original child care license
  • Every adult (18 or older) who resides at a licensed child care family child care home or a non-relative qualified exempt family home
  • Every individual 16 or older whose activities involve the care or supervision of children or who has unsupervised access to children

Each of these individuals must submit a complete set of fingerprints taken by one of the Colorado Bureau of Investigation (CBI) contracted third party vendors Idemia (via IdentoGO Centers) or American BioIdentity (via Colorado Fingerprinting) participating in the Colorado Applicant Background Services (CABS) program to perform a criminal record check by the CBI and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). The same fingerprint submission is used for both the CBI and FBI criminal record checks. CBC exceptions are defined in Section 7.701.33 B of Colorado's General Rules For Child Care Facilities.  
Where can I get fingerprinted?

Idemia (via IdentoGO Centers) and American BioIdentity (via Colorado Fingerprinting) require that applicants enroll and schedule an appointment on one of their websites.  Instructions on how to proceed will be provided to applicants once they enroll and the appointment is made.
Will I need a fingerprint card?

Physical fingerprint cards are not accepted as of October 24, 2018.

Submitting the Fingerprint 

  • Requests for a criminal record check must be submitted to the CBI via their third party vendors Idemia (via IdentoGO Centers) or American BioIdentity (via Colorado Fingerprinting) prior to the employee’s first day of employment at the facility.
  • Facilities will pay the respective vendor.  
  • Payment of the fee for the criminal record check is the responsibility of the individual being checked or the home, center, facility, or agency.

Where do I go to get fingerprinted?

Applicants will be provided with the available locations and times to choose from when they are making their appointment online.
Are minors who do not have a photo ID required to be fingerprinted? 

Yes, minors who do not have a photo ID are still required to be fingerprinted and need to use the Colorado Photo ID Waiver for Minors.
Is a Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) background check required?

Colorado state law mandates that all employees hired on or after August 10, 2011, at any licensed child care facility, except summer camps operating for less than 90 calendar days, shall complete an FBI background check in addition to the CBI and the Abuse and Neglect background checks. 
What is the cost for the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) background and the Colorado Bureau of Investigation (CBI) background checks?

Child care providers or prospective employees submit their fingerprint through Idemia (via IdentoGO Centers) or American BioIdentity (via Colorado Fingerprinting), but must attach the required fees.  The fee for CBI and FBI background checks combined is $39.50 (FBI $22.00 and CBI $17.50).   Idemia (via IdentoGO Centers) and American BioIdentity (via Colorado Fingerprinting), currently charges a transaction fee of $15.00.  A total cost of $54.50.
What do I do if my fingerprints are rejected?

The vendors, Idemia (via IdentoGO Centers) and American BioIdentity (via Colorado Fingerprinting), will advise applicants when their fingerprints are rejected and provide them with instructions on how to be re-fingerprinted. 
How do I complete the transfer process directly through CBI?

The transfer process allows employees and facility operators of licensed child care facilities who have been previously fingerprinted to use those fingerprints for employment at one of their other licensed child care facilities at a reduced cost to the facility.  
To complete the transfer process:

  • Submit fingerprints through Idemia (via IdentoGO Centers) or American BioIdentity (via Colorado Fingerprinting)
  • Indicate to them that you are doing a TRANSFER and C.R.S. 26-6-107
  • The fee for transfer is $24.00 ($2.00 for CBI and $22.00 for FBI) for each applicant

What is a disposition and how do I obtain one?

A disposition is the final outcome of a court case.
To obtain a disposition, contact the court in which the case was heard and ask them for a certified copy of the disposition. You will need to give the court clerk the case number of the specific court case or provide your name, Social Security number, and date of birth. Obtain a list of court addresses and phone numbers.
Why do several different people ask me for the dispositions for charges?

The Background Investigation Unit (BIU) acts as an information-gathering unit only. They do not provide disposition copies to any other unit. BIU provides Licensing with the outcome of the court case but they may need to see additional information provided on the final disposition copy to make a licensing decision.
How long does the background check process take?

Times vary according to what information is being requested and the number of charges involved. On average, it takes 4-8 weeks to gather all background information.
If I am leaving one licensed facility to work in another licensed facility, do I need to be re-fingerprinted?

If you leave one of the following licensed types: Family Child Care Home, Preschool, Child Care Center, School Age Center, Qualified Exempt Child Care Home, to work in another one of these license types, within a 180 day time frame, your fingerprints would be eligible to transfer to the new facility without any additional cost. If 180 days pass from employment separation and new employment at one of these license types, you will need to be re-fingerprinted under the new license. 
How do I complete the CBC transfer process?

Pursuant to the Child Care Development Block Grant (CCDBG) Act, prospective employees meeting ALL of the criteria below may qualify for a transfer of their background checks from a former employer within 180 days:

  • Applicant has completed all required background checks within five years and received eligible results. (CBI, FBI, TRAILS and Out of State) 
  • Applicant has been separated from the former employer for less than 180 days. 
  • The applicant’s prospective employer has submitted a complete Notification of Transfer of Employment form to the BIU
  • The BIU has processed the former employer’s Notification of Flag Removal Form. 

If an applicant has submitted new fingerprints under the new employer’s license, a transfer can not be requested or processed. 
How often are individuals required to submit new fingerprints?  
Colorado state laws limit portability of criminal background checks. Individuals are required to submit new fingerprints every 5 years. 

Privacy Statement

Access the privacy statement.

Notice to Applicants

As an applicant for a position requiring fingerprints to be submitted to the Colorado Bureau of Investigation and the Federal Bureau of Investigation, YOUR FINGERPRINTS WILL BE SUBMITTED TO THESE AGENCIES TO CHECK STATE AND FBI RECORDS.
Discrepancies on your Colorado record can be challenged and corrected by contacting the Colorado Bureau of Investigation at 690 Kipling St., Suite 3000, Denver, CO 80215, or by calling the Identification Unit at (303) 239-4208. Additional information is available from CBI's website.
Discrepancies on records from the FBI or relating to another state can be challenged through the FBI. Information, including that listed below, can be found at the FBI's website.  
The U.S. Department of Justice Order 556-73 establishes rules and regulations for the subject of an FBI Identification Record to obtain a copy of his or her own record for review. The FBl's Criminal Justice Information Services (CJlS) Division processes these requests.
Who May Request a Copy of a Record (or Proof That a Record Does Not Exist)

Only you can request a copy of your own Identification Record.
How to Request a Copy of Your Record

The FBI offers two methods for requesting your FBI Identification Record or proof that a record does not exist.

  • Option 1: Submit your request directly to the FBI.
  • Option 2: Submit to an FBI-approved Channeler, which is a private business that has contracted with the FBI to receive the fingerprint submission and relevant data, collect the associated fee(s), electronically forward the fingerprint submission with the necessary information to the FBICJIS Division for a national criminal history record check, and receive the electronic record check result for dissemination to the individual. Contact each Channeler for processing times.

Colorado Photo ID Waiver for Minors

Access the Photo ID Waiver for Minors.

Colorado-based Applicants

This is a review of the CDHS Trails database to check if an individual or employee has any confirmed cases of child abuse or neglect.

Employees working at more than one child care or preschool locations operated by the same governing body (e.g. school district) require only one Trails background check.

Home Providers: Please note that child abuse and neglect records check (Trails) forms are not needed for any person residing in the family child care home. Child abuse and neglect records checks are only required for substitutes, aids or volunteers that will be working in a family child care home, but do not reside in the family child care home.

Foster care and Adoption: Each marriage partner must complete one form and fee per person to process the child abuse and neglect background check. Colorado licensed facilities must use one form per person for foster care and adoption applicants.

How to request a Child Abuse and Neglect Records Check if you are a CDEC licensed provider:

  • To begin the application process, each individual needing a child abuse and neglect background check must complete the paper version Facility Child Abuse and Neglect request, give that form to the appointed individual who then logs in the Provider Hub where that person will be able to submit an online request and fee. A mailed-in paper version of the request form will still be accepted, however, providers are encouraged to use the Provider Hub for faster processing times. Only a check or money order will be accepted with the mailed-in form. All credit card or e-check payments must be submitted through the Provider Hub. Online requests will be processed within 20 days. If you choose to mail in a request and/or submit a paper check or money order, this process may take up to 30 days.

If you need to submit a mailed-in paper version request form:

Download, complete, print and sign a Child Abuse and Neglect Records Check form. Please note, only typed forms will be accepted. To access the fillable pdf please download and save forms to a laptop or desktop computer. Instructions and sample forms are available upon request.  (Colorado licensed facilities only)

Write a check or money order payable to the “CDEC Background Investigation Unit (BIU)” for the required child abuse and neglect request with the required fee of $30 per form. We do not accept cash.

Mail completed form(s) and payment to:

Colorado Department of Early Childhood
Division of Early Learning Licensing Administration
Attn: Trails Background Investigation Unit (BIU)
710 S. Ash Street 
Denver, CO 80246

How to request a Child Abuse and Neglect Records Check if you are licensed by the Division of Child Welfare Provider Services unit:

*Please note you can not access the online submission process on mobile devices.*

To begin the online request application process, please click on the Public Facility Child Abuse and Neglect link (Google Chrome browser is preferred). You may submit the following payments online: credit card or e-check with your request. Online requests will be processed within 20 days. If you choose to mail in a request and/or manually submit a paper check or money order, this process may take up to 30 days.

Please note: Results are not released to the person being checked. They are released to the agency/facility requesting the background check.

If you need to submit a mailed-in paper version request form:

Complete, print and sign a Child Abuse and Neglect Records Check form. Please note, only typed forms will be accepted. To access the fillable pdf please download and save forms to a laptop or desktop computer. Instructions and sample forms are available upon request.

Results are not released to the person being checked. They are released to the agency/facility requesting the background check. (Colorado Licensed facilities only)

Write a check or money order payable to the “CDEC Background Investigation Unit (BIU)” for the required child abuse and neglect request with the required fee of $30 per form. We do not accept cash.

Mail completed form(s) and payment to:

Colorado Department of Early Childhood
Division of Early Learning Licensing Administration
Attn: Trails Background Investigation Unit (BIU)
710 S. Ash Street 
Denver, CO 80246

How to request a Child Abuse and Neglect Records Check for those individuals or facilities not licensed or required to be licensed by the Division of Early Learning Licensing Administration:

*Please note you cannot access the online submission process on mobile devices.*

To begin the online request application process, please click on the Public Individual Child Abuse and Neglect link(Google Chrome browser is preferred). You may submit the following payments online: credit card or e-check with your request. Online requests will be processed within 20 days. If you choose to mail in a request and/or manually submit a paper check or money order, this process may take up to 30 days.

Please note:  Results from the individual request are released only to the person/agency/facility listed in Section A of the paper request form. This person must be listed in Section A of the online form. The person to be checked must be the person to sign the online submission form in Section D. A copy of an approved identification document must be submitted with the completed request. Approved forms of identification are as follows: Driver’s License, Passport, State-Issued Identification Card, Military Identification Card, Social Security Card, Birth Certificate.

If you need to submit a mailed in paper version request form:

Complete, print and sign an Individual Child Abuse and Neglect Records Check form. Please note, only typed forms will be accepted. To access the fillable pdf please download and save forms to a laptop or desktop computer. Instructions and sample forms are available upon request.  

Results from the individual request are released only to the person/agency/facility listed in Section A of the paper request form. A copy of an approved identification document must be submitted with the completed request. Approved forms of identification are as follows: Driver’s License, Passport, State-Issued Identification Card, Military Identification Card, Social Security Card, Birth Certificate.

Write a check or money order payable to the “CDEC Background Investigation Unit (BIU)” for the required child abuse and neglect request with the required fee of $30 per form. We do not accept cash.

Mail completed form(s) and payment to:

Colorado Department of Early Childhood
Division of Early Learning Licensing Administration
Attn: Trails Background Investigation Unit (BIU)
710 S. Ash Street 
Denver, CO 80246

Out-of-state Applicants

*Please note you cannot access the online submission process on mobile devices.*
This is a review of the CDHS Trails database to check if an individual or employee has any confirmed cases of child abuse or neglect.

How to request a Child Abuse and Neglect Records Check

To begin the online request application process, please click on the Public Individual Child Abuse and Neglect link (Google Chrome browser preferred). You may submit the following payments online: credit card or e-check with your request. Online requests will be processed within 20 days. If you choose to mail in a request and/or manually submit a paper check or money order, this process may take up to 30 days.

Please note: Results from the individual request are released only to the person/agency/facility listed in Section A of the paper request form. This person must be listed in Section A of the online form. The person to be checked must be the person to sign the online submission form in Section D. A copy of an approved identification document must be submitted with the completed request. Approved forms of identification are as follows: Driver’s License, Passport, State-Issued Identification Card, Military Identification Card, Social Security Card, Birth Certificate

If you need to submit a mailed in paper version request form:

Complete, print and sign an Individual Child Abuse and Neglect Records Check form. Please note, only typed forms will be accepted. To access the fillable pdf please download and save forms to a laptop or desktop computer. Instructions and sample forms are available upon request.  

Results from the individual request are released only to the person/agency/facility listed in Section A of the paper request form. A copy of an approved identification document must be submitted with the completed request. Approved forms of identification are as follows: Driver’s License, Passport, State-Issued Identification Card, Military Identification Card, Social Security Card, Birth Certificate.

Individual Child Abuse and Neglect (Trails) Request

Write a check or money order payable to the “CDEC Background Investigation Unit (BIU)” for the required child abuse and neglect request with the required fee of $30 per form. We do not accept cash.

Mail completed form(s) and payment to:

Colorado Department of Early Childhood
Division of Early Learning Licensing Administration
Attn: Trails Background Investigation Unit (BIU)
710 S. Ash Street 
Denver, CO 80246 

For Colorado Department of Early Childhood licensed child care providers only. 


Effective September 30, 2020, new background check rule requirements, 2.121(J), are in place to better align background check requirements with the federal Child Care Development Block Grant (CCDBG) Regulations. The state background check rules impact Child Care Centers, School-Age Child Care Centers, Substitute Placement Agencies, Family Child Care Homes and Qualified Exempt Child Care Homes. As a result, prospective staff and current staff who have resided in a previous state of residence outside of Colorado including the U.S. Territories within the past five years are required to provide the following additional three background checks for each state they have resided in prior to employment or being allowed to work unsupervised:

  1. State Criminal History Check (SCH); 
  2. State Sex Offender Registry Check (SSOR); and 
  3. State Child Abuse and Neglect Registry Check (SCAN). 


How to complete an out of state background check? 

*The State Criminal History check (SCH) and State Child Abuse and Neglect Registry Check (SCAN) must be initiated by the child care provider/prospective staff member. 

  1. All applicants who have resided in a previous state of residence outside of Colorado including the U.S. Territories within the past five years must complete the State-based Background Check Checklist (English) or State-based Background Check Checklist (Espanol)
  2. All results from other states must be sent directly to the CDEC-BIU Criminal Background Check Unit to the address,  710 S. Ash Street, Denver, CO 80246, or email at cdec_cbc_biu@state.co.us.
  3. State Criminal History checks (SCH): 
  • This check may be conducted using a fingerprint or name-based check, and is initiated by the child care provider or prospective staff member;
  • Must be completed using the previous residence approved state agency procedures, fees may vary;
  • Completing a search on a public-facing judicial website does not satisfy this requirement.
  • This check is not required for states participating in the National Fingerprint File (NFF) program: Arizona, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, Maryland, Michigan,  Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Tennessee, Utah, Vermont, West Virginia, and Wyoming. *This information is subject to change without notice. 
  1. State Sex Offender Registry (SSOR) Check -
    1. *The State Sex Offender Registry check is initiated and completed by the Colorado Department of Early Childhood (CDEC). 
  2. State Child Abuse and Neglect Registry Check (SCAN)
    1. This check is a name-based search and must be initiated by the child care provider or prospective staff member. 
    2. Must be completed using the previous residence approved state agency procedures, fees may vary.
    3. States determine if individuals are eligible or ineligible for employment based on that state’s background check results.  Therefore they may only provide eligible or ineligible results.
    4. If a state deems that a result is ineligible and the prospective staff or current staff member wants to challenge the result, the staff member must contact that state.
  3. Information on how to complete the state background checks can be found on the specific state's website from which you are requesting the check(s). Each state's child care background check contact and website can be found on the Interstate Child Care Background Check Contact list. 


How to submit the State Background Check to CDEC BIU?

Once all out of state background checks have been requested and the checklist has been completed, please send all documents to the Colorado Department of Early Childhood (CDEC) Background Investigation Unit (BIU) via email or mail.

email: cdec_cbc_biu@state.co.us (1 file per applicant)


Colorado Department of Early Childhood (CDEC)
Attn: Criminal Background Check
CDEC Background Investigation Unit (BIU)
710 S. Ash Street
Denver, CO 80246

This will allow the BIU to ensure the correct background checks have been requested from each previous state of residence.

  • Prior to submitting any state-based background check materials, the applicant must have completed FBI and CBI fingerprint-based background checks under your license. 
  • Copies of all documents must be retained in the employee's file and kept on-site.

BIU’s review of all the submitted materials for state-based checks may take up to forty-five (45) days from receipt. One result letter will be issued to the facility’s primary email address on file directly from the BIU. 

  • Documents required to be submitted to the BIU:
  • Completed checklist with signature and date
  • State criminal history *proof of submission and/or results (all correspondence).
  • State child abuse and neglect registry check *proof of submission and/or results (all correspondence).
  • Missing or incomplete state-based background checks will result in a delay of processing the request.


What is considered proof of submission? 

Proof of submission may include any one of the following for each background check type for each previous state of residence within the past 5 years:


Closed States

  • Current known closed States are: California (criminal history and child abuse and neglect). 
  • Some states have laws and policies which have barriers to sharing state criminal data with other states.
  • Some states may only be closed for specific background checks. 



State (State of Previous Residence)

The National Fingerprint File Program. The National Fingerprint File is a database of fingerprints, or other uniquely personal identifying information, relating to an arrested or charged individual maintained by the FBI to provide positive identification of record subjects indexed in their III System

  • If a prospective or current staff member’s previous state of residence participates in the NFF, providers are not required to perform the State Criminal History Check. Participating states are indicated in red with an asterisk, e.g. CO*, in the Interstate Child Care Background Check Contact list.
  • Please note that the State Child Abuse and Neglect checks are still required for persons regardless of previous state NFF participation.
  • If a prospective or current staff has lived in multiple states with a combination of which includes NFF participating and non NFF participating states, all background checks must be completed according to the specific states NFF or Non-NFF participation.
    • Example - Applicant lived in Arizona (NFF participant) and Texas (Non-NFF participant) the required background checks would be as follows: Arizona child abuse and neglect check and Texas criminal history check and Texas child abuse and neglect check.   


View Frequently Asked Questions for 5-Year Previous State of Residence Background Checks here. 


CDEC provides the results of the background checks in a statement that indicates whether the child care employee is eligible or ineligible for employment within a licensed child care facility, without revealing specific disqualifying information. If the employee is ineligible, the department will provide information about each disqualifying crime to the employee.

View disqualification criteria.

Pursuant to the Child Care Development Block Grant (CCDBG) Act, a staff member may qualify for the portability of their background checks. 

A staff member is not required to submit new background checks when the individual has received ALL required background checks within the past 5 (five) years while employed by or seeking employment by another Colorado child care provider.  The staff member has to have qualifying results to the first provider, is employed by a child care provider within the state, or has been separated from employment from a child care provider for less than 180 days. 

This portability process is available only for the following license types: Child Care Centers, School-Age Child Care Centers, Preschools, Family Child Care Homes and Qualified Exempt Child Care Homes.

The Notification for Portability of Background Checks form must be submitted by the employer when the following occurs: 

  1. An applicant separates from their former employer and begins new employment at a new facility within 180 days, OR 
  2. If remaining employed with the current employer and adding additional employers or adding additional license numbers for a current employer.     

Employers utilizing the portability process will receive one single letter stating eligibility for their records and department audit purposes. If the new employer desires the individual’s background check results (CBI, FBI, TRAILS, and Out of State) attached to their license number, new background checks must be completed by the applicant. 

Forms received after 180 days of separation will be denied and applicants will be required to complete new background checks.
*If an applicant has submitted new fingerprints under the new employer’s license, a transfer can not be requested or processed.*



Contact the Background Investigation Unit:

Background Investigation Unit

Division of Early Learning Licensing and Administration, CDEC
710 S. Ash Street
Denver, CO 80246

Phone: 1-800-799-5876

Fax: 303-866-5340

Criminal Background Investigation Checks: cdec_cbc_biu@state.co.us  

Background Inquiry Checks: cdec_backgroundinvestigation@state.co.us
CDEC licensed providers: Review a Power Point presentation to navigate through the background check process.