Have children 16 years old or under? You may be eligible for a tax credit. Go to GetAheadColorado.org for more info.


Reports and Data

Reports and Data

Early Care and Education Workforce Data Dashboard

ECE Workforce

The early care and education (ECE) workforce data dashboard provides annual information on the professionals directly serving children birth to five in licensed public and private provider settings. The dashboard includes data on the number of actively working professionals by role, race, and age; qualifications (educational attainment and Early Childhood Professional Credential 2.0); length of time in field; and job turnover. Information on the dashboard can be viewed at the county, early childhood council, and state regional levels.

Licensed Child Care Facility Lists

The CDEC will no longer be posting new child care licensing data to this web page.  All updated data will be posted on the Colorado Information Marketplace (CIM). The Department of Early Childhood shares its licensed child care data on the Colorado Information Marketplace. This is an open data source that does not require special licenses for general or public users.


View the current Colorado Licensed Child Care Facilities Data and Interactive Dashboard.


  • What is the Colorado Information Marketplace (CIM)?

    The Colorado Information Marketplace (CIM) is the central online home for state open data, giving the public greater access to public data and increasing transparency in government operations.
  • How do I use the CIM to access licensed child care facility data? 

    Reach out to us with any questions about how to access and interpret this data (sairam.bussu@state.co.us).


In the 'About the Dataset' section of our facilities file page, you can find basic information about each monthly report, such as, how often this data is uploaded. Select ‘Show More’ at the bottom of the ‘About the Dataset’ section to see attachments and view historical data files. You can download the files by clicking on the links. 

Video 1 shows how to find historical monthly facilities reports after finding the early childhood data set on the Colorado information marketplace. 


The 'What's in this Dataset?' section shows a quick overview of the numbers of rows and columns. This gives an idea how many rows (or how many providers) are in this report. The 'Columns in the Dataset' section defines what is collected in each column such as what a provider ID is or what is captured in total licensed capacity. 

Under this section, the table preview will always contain the most recently uploaded data. Click ‘View Data’ on the right corner of the table to see the full data set. You can use this function to create visuals and filter the data prior to downloading the dataset to get exactly the information you would like. You can also view this data on our Dashboard

Video 2 demonstrates how to open the most current monthly facilities data set that is previewed on the homepage. 

The video also shows how to filter this data after accessing the full file and may export to use it offline. 



Here are a few examples of the different features on the Colorado information Marketplace and how you can manipulate the dataset.  You can use any filters and create charts however you would like and create a dataset from whatever county you like. 

Videos 3 and 4 show how you can manipulate the data prior to downloading. For example, if  you only want a particular county then  you can filter by one or a few counties and download the file as needed. 

Video 3 shows users how to remove filters.


Video 4 shows users how to create charts to have visualizations for the dataset. 


Colorado Child Care Facility Needs Assessment

The Colorado Department of Early Childhood, in partnership with Community Development Institute (CDI), has published the Colorado Child Care Facility Needs Assessment. This report offers insight into the physical state of early childhood facilities across Colorado. Additionally, the report identifies opportunities and barriers to expanding and opening early learning facilities. The Colorado Facility Needs Assessment guides early learning advocates with recommendations for supporting child care facilities at the state level, local level, and for supportive organizations. 



Aggregate data on serious injuries, deaths, and substantiated cases of child abuse that have occurred in child care settings

Colorado Child Care Assistance Program

Colorado Community Response (CCR)

CCR is no longer an active program of CDEC as of 6/30/24


Colorado Shines QRIS Validation Study
Validation Study Overview
As a Race to the Top-Early Learning Challenge (RTT-ELC) grant recipient, Colorado’s Office of Early Childhood (OEC) worked to promote smarter management, better quality, a deeper understanding of children, a stronger workforce, and increased family/community engagement within a unified and comprehensive early childhood system.

A key component of this work included the development of a “second generation” Quality Rating and Improvement System (QRIS)—a method used to assess, enhance, and communicate the level of quality in early education and care for licensed providers in Colorado. Colorado was one of the first states to create a QRIS and has continuously worked to evaluate, refine, and improve the system. 

Bolstered by the RTT-ELC grant, Colorado launched its new QRIS, Colorado Shines, in 2015 and immediately engaged in a validation study from 2015–2017 (led by Child Trends) to ensure that the rating structure worked for children, families, programs, and providers. The purpose of this study was to (1) support Colorado’s efforts to implement a QRIS that measures quality in a meaningful way; (2) utilize clear, valid, and efficient procedures for verifying program quality; and (3) provide initial insights into how the Colorado Shines quality framework can support children’s development and readiness for school success.

Validation Study Reports

Validation Study Webinar


Early Childhood Mental Health

Preschool Development Grant Birth through Five

SafeCare Colorado

Safe Child Care Task Force
Read the final report of the Safe Child Care Task force. Read the Updates of the report recommendations.

Purpose of the Task Force
The purpose of the Safe Child Care Task Force was to recommend necessary reforms in child care settings to keep children safe, inform parents and care providers about licensed and unlicensed care options, and work to help prevent illegal child care. The task force reviewed local laws and regulations as well as national best practice models to make recommendations for reforms in Colorado.

Task Force Members
List of voting members of the Task Force. The task force committee members were chosen based on a variety of qualifications and were carefully reviewed to ensure they are a fair representation of Coloradans and the people providing, needing and accessing child care across Colorado.

​​​​Transition plans for the Colorado Department of Early Childhood
There are two stakeholder-driven reports, unanimously approved by the ECLC, which detail the vision for early childhood in Colorado.

​​​​Workforce Compensation & Benefits Taskforce


Colorado Universal Preschool Provider Dashboard

This dashboard tells us about licensed child care providers that have been published in the Universal Preschool enrollment system. Underlying data for this dashboard is updated each month.

View the dashboard here.

View the User Guide here.