Have children 16 years old or under? You may be eligible for a tax credit. Go to GetAheadColorado.org for more info.


Colorado Child Care Assistance Program (CCCAP) Administration

The Colorado Child Care Assistance Program (CCCAP) provides child care assistance to families that are working, searching for employment or are in training, and families that are enrolled in the Colorado Works Program and need child care services to support their efforts toward self-sufficiency.

The Colorado Child Care Assistance Program is administered through county departments of human/social services under the direction of the Department of Early Childhood, the lead agency for the federal Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF). The state reports policies related to child care assistance to the federal government through the Colorado State Plan for CCDF Services. ​

View the Family Income Guidelines for CCCAP eligibility. Para español haga clic Family Income Guidelines (Spanish)

This Guide provides information for licensed providers seeking a fiscal agreement with one or more counties: CCCAP Guide (English) | CCCAP Guide (Spanish)

View the CCCAP Provider Handbook (English) or CCCAP Provider Handbook (Spanish) to find more detailed information on the CCCAP Program.

Please refer to the Colorado Department of Early Childhood Memo Series for important updates and information regarding the management of CCCAP and the Code of Colorado Regulations rules regulating the Colorado Child Care Assistance Program. To view historic memos, visit the Colorado Department of Human Services Memo Series webpage. 

The CCCAP Allocation Task Group operates under the Finance Policy Advisory Committee (Sub-PAC). The task group designs the allocation formula and presents it as a recommendation to the Finance Sub-PAC. Currently, 12 voting members make up the task group, 9 from counties and 3 from the state. 

CCCAP Allocation Task Group meetings are public.
View the CCCAP Allocation Formula Webinar from February 21, 2019.

Log into the ATS via the Provider Hub


  • We do not endorse any specific devices for ATS. However, the device you choose must operate using the iOS or Android operating system and it must be able to access the Apple App Store or Google Play. We recommend searching for "affordable tablets" online if you are still looking to purchase a device. We also recommend purchasing a secure device holder, which will allow you to attach a tablet or smartphone to a secure item to prevent someone from walking away with it. If you need assistance acquiring a device, we recommend talking to your Early Childhood Council


Waiver and Manual Claim Resources

To log into the CHATS production and training environments, please use the links below:

If you need to reset your password in either the CHATS Pilot Environment or the CHATS Production Environment, please access the MyPassword Manager. If you are experiencing issues resetting your password, please contact OIT using one of the methods below:

If you have questions regarding the use of Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) or One Identity Manager (1IM), please utilize these reference materials:


Contact the CCCAP Unit:
Division of Early Care and Learning, CDEC
710 S. Ash Street
Denver, CO 80246
Phone: 1-800-799-5876 or 303-866-5948
Fax: 303-866-4453