Access and Quality

Access and Quality

Ensuring Access to High-Quality Services for All Colorado Families

CDEC seeks to ensure all families have equitable access to high quality early care and learning so that all children start school ready to succeed. These activities were designed to increase the number of licensed programs; improve the quality of licensed programs; ensure equitable access for underserved families; and sustain services by closing revenue-expenditure gap. 

Learn more about our strategies to improve access and quality for Colorado families.

three adjoined gears depicting a father holding an infant a teacher watching a child play and three children raising hands in a classroom

Access and Quality Activities


Access to Inclusive Care

Supporting a mixed-delivery system that meets the unique needs of all families

Access Inclusive Care

Bilingual Licensing Specialists

Increasing availability of linguistically responsive child care in Spanish-speaking communities

Get Bilingual Licensure

CCCAP: Alternate Methodology Rate Setting

Aligning CCCAP provider reimbursement rates with the true cost of care

Align Rates with Cost


CCCAP: Enrollment-Based Payments

Giving CCCAP infant and toddler care providers financial stability

Consistently Paying Providers

CCCAP: Expand Income Eligibility

Making CCCAP available to more low-income families

Learn About Availability

CCCAP: Rate and Paid Absences Increase

Ensuring CCCAP provider success with increased reimbursement rates and paid absences covered

Ensure Reimbursement


Child Care Indoor Air Quality Improvement

Making early learning environments healthier

Improve Air Quality

Child Care Licensing Incentive

Providing one-time incentives to providers who become licensed or Qualified Exempt

Get an Incentive

Child Care Provider Business Training

Improving child care growth and sustainability through better business practices

Improve Business Practices


Child Care Stabilization Grants

Providing operational funds to promote sustainability of child care and reduce costs to families

Learn about the Grants


Promoting innovative strategies that make early care and learning more affordable and inclusive

Learn about CIRCLE

Early Head Start

Making infant and toddler care more available to Colorado families

Start Learning Earlier


Emerging and Expanding Grants

Increasing the availability of affordable care, especially in child care deserts

Get the Details

Employer-Based Child Care

Incentivizing employers to build accessible child care centers

Get an Employer Incentive

Facility Needs Assessment

Identifying the challenges facing child care providers and creating a roadmap to solutions

Get an Assessment


Family Child Care Home and Availability of Care Navigators

Helping families find real-time child care options in their community

Find Local Child Care

Family, Friend and Neighbor (FFN) Advisory Council and Training Programs

Establishing an advisory council for non-licensed child care providers

Learn about the Council

New Provider Success Grants

Offering operating funds to license-exempt providers so that savings can be passed to families

Get Operating Funds


Quality Improvement Incentive

Incentivizing child care providers to enhance their Colorado Shines quality rating

Improve Your Rating

Staffed Family Child Care Network Pilots

Providing in-depth technical assistance, licensing kits and business support to in-home providers

Get Business Support