Have children 16 years old or under? You may be eligible for a tax credit. Go to GetAheadColorado.org for more info.


Workforce Development

Workforce Development

Building a Strong and Sustainable Early Childhood Workforce

A qualified and valued workforce is essential to the success of Colorado’s early childhood ecosystem. CDEC is committed to expanding the number of early childhood professionals across the state and equipping them with the tools to provide high-quality services to children and families, while also working to retain the existing workforce through better compensation and other supports. 

Learn more about our strategies to develop a stronger workforce.

three adjoined gears depicting a father holding an infant a teacher watching a child play and three children raising hands in a classroom

Workforce Development Activities

Apprenticeship Program

Creating alternate pathways for aspiring early childhood professionals

Get an Apprenticeship

CCCAP: Teacher Salary Increase

Better demonstrating the value of qualified educators with improved compensation

Increase Teacher Salary

Child Development Associate Support Specialists

Building a more diverse and culturally responsive workforce

Become a Support Specialist

Course Creation: Director Training

Offering free training courses for child care center directors through PDIS

Start a Free Course

Early Childhood Professional Credential (ECPC)

Creating clearer professional development pathways and tracking for early childhood educators

Get Credentialed

Equity Course Creation and Translations

Offering free online equity courses through PDIS and translating existing courses and resources

Learn about Equity

Free Early Childhood Education 1011 and 1031

Courses reducing the cost of tuition for those wishing to enter the early childhood education field

Reduce Tuition Cost

Implement a Substitute Fund Pilot

Reducing the cost of substitute educators for child care providers

Add a Substitute Fund

PDIS Dashboard Modernization

Improving the quality and presentation of workforce data from the PDIS

Improve Workforce Data

PDIS Help Desk Operations

Improving support services for early childhood educators using the PDIS

Improve Support Services

T.E.A.C.H. Early Childhood® Colorado Scholarships

Supporting access to higher education pathways for early childhood professionals

Access to Higher Education

Teacher Peer Mentorship Pilot

Encouraging child care providers to develop leaders from within

Develop Leaders

Workforce Recruitment and Retention

Expanding incentives for early childhood professionals to join and advance in the field

Expand Incentives