Have children 16 years old or under? You may be eligible for a tax credit. Go to GetAheadColorado.org for more info.


CCCAP: Enrollment-Based Payments

The Need 

The Colorado Child Care Assistance Program (CCCAP) has historically paid providers based on a child’s daily attendance, rather than based on a child’s enrollment. Without a consistent payment model, unique situations as significant as closures during the pandemic or as small as a week-long absence for family reasons can impact the overall stability of the child care provider’s business. This lack of certainty creates a barrier to provider participation in CCCAP. 

The Strategy

This activity supports child care providers who offer care to infants and toddlers participating in CCCAP. To incentivize the availability of infant and toddler slots and ensure financial stability for providers, payments are based on a child's enrollment schedule, rather than based on a child's actual attendance. 

Key Outcomes and Learnings

Increased Infant and Toddler Enrollment 

Between July of 2022 and October of 2023, 6,097 new infants and toddlers were enrolled in CCCAP, with an increase of 330 infants and toddlers added to the program in State Fiscal Year 2022-23 compared to the previous year. This growth suggests that this strategy has increased providers’ ability to offer infant and toddler care to CCCAP families. 

Enrollment Absence Reimbursements 

Since July 2022, CCCAP has reimbursed $7,187,250.25 to providers for enrollment absences beyond regular monthly absence payments. These funds contributed to the stability of CCCAP providers’ businesses through fluctuating attendance during the pandemic.

green gear labeled access and quality


Amount: $21,310,692 

Source: American Rescue Plan Discretionary 

Expiration: September 30, 2024

Next Steps

CCCAP will continuously collect and monitor data to assess the effectiveness of the initiative and evaluate the need to request additional funding for sustainability.

Evidence Brief

"CCCAP Increased Absence Payments for Preschoolers, CCCAP Enrollment-Based Payments for Infants/Toddlers, and CCCAP Reimbursement Rate Increase for Child Care Providers" 

Brodsky Research and Consulting

(September 2023)