CDEC Independent Evaluation

Colorado Department of Early Childhood Independent Evaluation

The Colorado Department for Early Childhood (CDEC) has contracted with Public Consulting Group (PCG) to conduct an independent evaluation of the Department as required in state law/statute 26.5-1-112. The independent evaluation will examine the CDEC’s progress since its launch in 2022 to ensure a robust, supported, efficient, and effective early childhood system that supports children, families, and the early childhood workforce. This evaluation marks a critical milestone in the evolution of Colorado’s unified early childhood system! 

The evaluation will include reviewing and collecting data from a wide variety of sources, including extensive community engagement through interviews, focus groups and surveys with parents, early childhood providers and community partners. Here are the timelines for the evaluation

CDEC independent evaluation timeline graphic. Includes dates from January 2025 to June 2026

Steering Committee

PCG will work with a steering committee of diverse and inclusive membership, including families/parents, early childhood providers and partners, and state leaders. Throughout the evaluation process the Steering Committee will be charged with helping to increase community input on activities, tools and summaries of findings related to the evaluation.

More information about the evaluation will be posted in the coming weeks. You can also email CDECevaluation@pcgus.com for more information or with questions.