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Dr. Lisa Roy Receives Prestigious Harmon Award

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June 21, 2022

DENVER — The Colorado Association for Infant Mental Health has awarded Colorado Department of Early Childhood Executive Director Dr. Lisa Roy with the 2022 Harmon Award.

The award, named for Dr. Robert J. Harmon, a pioneer in the field of infant mental health, recognizes an individual for their outstanding contributions to infant mental health in Colorado.

Dr. Roy delivered the 2022 Harmon Lecture, where she spoke about the importance of having age-appropriate conversations about race and identity with young children. She also spoke about the work of CDEC’s Early Childhood Mental Health team. 

Learn more about the Colorado Department of Early Childhood’s mental health services.


The Colorado Department of Early Childhood ensures the delivery of a comprehensive, community-informed, data-driven, high-quality and equitable early childhood system that supports the care, education and well-being of all Colorado’s young children, their families and early childhood professionals in all settings.