Nurturing Parents and Nurturing Fathers


The Promoting Safe and Stable Families (PSSF) Program supports families in participating sites in the Nurturing Parents and/or Nurturing Fathers curriculums. Program eligibility is for adults in a child(ren) caregiving role. The programs are family-based parenting programs that promote healthy and nurturing family relationships assisting parents in learning skills to raise their children to provide a safe and loving home environment. The Nurturing Fathers program is a 13-week group-based program for developing attitudes and skills for male nurturance specifically designed for those in a fatherhood role.

Nurturing Parenting and Nurturing Fathers programs may be available through agencies in the State of Colorado. The Nurturing Parents program and/or the Nurturing Fathers program are currently being supported through their PSSF sites in the following locations. Click the links to learn more about a program in your area.

The PSSF Programs are funded through a federal grant managed by the Colorado Department of Early Childhood under the Administration of Children, Youth and Families.

The PSSF program in Colorado supports coordinated programs of community-based family support, family preservation, family reunification and adoption/post permanency support services.

Are you interested in learning more or contacting regarding other supported services through the Promoting Safe and Stable Families (PSSF) Program or Nurturing Parenting or Nurturing Fathers Programs?