Have children 16 years old or under? You may be eligible for a tax credit. Go to GetAheadColorado.org for more info.


Colorado Child Care Assistance Program For Providers

Colorado Child Care Assistance Program For Providers

Contact your county department of human/social services for information. If a parent or caregiver has selected you as the child care provider for their children, the county will send you a packet of information detailing the necessary documents and training including:

  • A Fiscal Agreement, or the contract between you and the county, which outlines each party’s responsibilities, policies and the rate you will be reimbursed for child care services can be found here: Fiscal Agreement (English) | Fiscal Agreement (Espanol). You will need a Fiscal Agreement with each county that you will accept children from under the CCCAP program.
  • A Form W-9 (IRS) used for identification purposes to report payments made by CCCAP. You will receive a 1099 Form (IRS) at the end of each calendar year for tax purposes. 

Please view the CCCAP Provider Handbook to find more detailed information on the CCCAP Program ( CCCAP Provider Handbook (English) and CCCAP Provider Handbook (Espanol)). 

CCCAP Provider Handbook in English and Spanish

The CCCAP Provider Resources flyer details the various free training materials and resources available to support our CCCAP Providers. CCCAP Providers (English) and CCCAP Providers (Espanol).

Whether you own or operate a Child Care Center, a Family Child Care Home, or a School-Aged Child Care Center, it must be licensed.

As a provider:

  • You must have a valid Colorado child care license number and be in compliance with the rules and regulations.
  • You must provide your published private-pay rate, the rates you charge non-CCCAP clients, the sheet from your parent handbook when you apply and every time you renew your Fiscal Agreement. You must notify the county department of human/social services if your private-pay rates change. You will not be paid more than you charge for non-CCCAP child care clients. You may be paid less than the rate you charge private-pay clients, depending on the county reimbursement rate.
  • If you have a Fiscal Agreement with more than one county, you may be paid at different rates because each county determines what rates they pay.

What if I’m a relative or friend of the child’s family? Will I still need to be licensed?

Some child care providers may be legally exempt from licensing, meaning a person can still contract with the CCCAP program without having a license. For example, if the provider is a friend or relative of the family, they may not need to apply for a child care license. For CCCAP purposes, this person is identified as a Qualified Exempt Provider and will need to register with CCCAP to meet certain county requirements, including background checks for child abuse and neglect or other crimes. Contact your county department of human/social services for details about becoming a Qualified Exempt Provider.

Will I need to turn in special forms as a Qualified Exempt Provider?

You will be asked to turn in a Fiscal Agreement (available through your county), a Form W-9, a Statement of Criminal History, an Authorization to Supply Information, a Provider Information Form, and an agreement listing the Child Care Standards for Non-Licensed Providers signed by you and the CCCAP client requesting care. Keep a copy of these documents for your records while receiving CCCAP payments. If you fail to meet these standards, the county may end your Fiscal Agreement.

If you are a Non-Relative Provider, a home visit is required and will be arranged once you have started the Qualified Exempt Provider process. Learn more about home visits
¿Qué pasa si soy un pariente o amigo de la familia del niño? ¿Seguiré necesitando tener una licencia?

Algunos proveedores de cuidado infantil pueden estar legalmente exentos de la licencia, lo que significa que una persona aún puede contratar el programa del CCCAP sin tener una licencia. Por ejemplo, si el proveedor es un amigo o pariente de la familia, es posible que no necesite solicitar una licencia de cuidado infantil. Para los propósitos del CCCAP, esta persona está identificada como un Proveedor Exento Calificado y deberá registrarse con el CCCAP para cumplir con ciertos requisitos del condado, incluida la verificación de antecedentes por abuso y negligencia infantil u otros delitos. Comuníquese con el departamento de servicios humanos/sociales de su condado para obtener detalles sobre cómo convertirse en un proveedor exento calificado.

¿Tendré que entregar formularios especiales como proveedor exento calificado?

Se le pedirá que entregue un Acuerdo fiscal (disponible a través de su condado), un Formulario W-9, una Declaración de Antecedentes Penales, una Autorización para Suministrar Información, un Formulario de Información del Proveedor y un acuerdo que indique los Estándares de cuidado infantil para proveedores sin licencia firmado por usted y el cliente del CCCAP que solicita el cuidado. Guarde una copia de estos documentos para sus registros mientras recibe los pagos del CCCAP. Si no cumple con estos estándares, el condado puede poner fin a su Acuerdo fiscal.
Si usted es un proveedor no familiar, se requiere una visita domiciliaria y se programará una vez que haya iniciado el proceso de proveedor exento calificado. Entérese más sobre las visitas a domicilio

How are parent fees collected?

In most cases, parents will be required to pay a portion of their child care costs, and the amount will be based upon their household size and gross income. This fee is paid directly to you, the provider, within each month that care is provided. It is applied to the total amount the county pays for care.
What if the client doesn’t pay the parent fee?

If the client fails to pay the parent fee, child care benefits may end and they must pay you even if they change child care providers. You must report unpaid fees to your county office within 60 days of the month when the fees were due.

What does the parent fee cover?

The parent fee covers the number of hours a client is allowed to use CCCAP, as recorded on the client authorization letter. Remember, you may not charge the CCCAP client more than the county’s rate, even though your private-pay rates are higher. ​

You may charge for extra hours if the client goes over their authorized hours. This includes charging them late fees for picking up their child after hours.​

You cannot ask CCCAP clients to give you a paid notice, even if your policy requires two weeks paid notice before a client leaves your facility. In most cases, the county department of human/social services will attempt to give you as much notice as possible of any changes, such as in cases of a client planning to move or change providers.

How does the county decide rates?

Counties consider a number of factors in setting rates, such as how the local economy is doing, how many child care facilities are available, county budgets for the CCCAP program and the statewide Market Rate Survey. CCCAP provider payment rates are now tiered, based on Colorado Shines Quality Rating and Improvement System (QRIS) Levels 1-5. If you have a Fiscal Agreement with more than one county, you may be paid at different rates because each county determines what rates they pay.

View County CCCAP Policies and Rate Plan 

View Memo on State-Established Rates

View rates effective 10/1/2024 (Español)

Comprehensive Report: Alternative Rate Methodology (Español)

Are there limits to how much a county can pay with CCCAP?

Counties are not allowed to pay more than a child care facility’s private-pay rates for the same services. In addition, each county sets a rate ceiling or the maximum rate the county will pay. The provider’s private-pay rates are compared to the county ceiling and the provider is paid the lesser of the two.

How will the county know how many CCCAP clients I have?

Your clients will be required to use the Attendance Tracking System (ATS) at your facility to record attendance. They will login using their PIN and check their child in/out to show the county that they have received care at your child care facility. 

How do I use the Attendance Tracking System (ATS) to track clients?

Clients will use their PIN to log into ATS to record their child's attendance. You will be paid for the services you provide each time their presence is recorded. On rare occasions, you may be required to manually turn in claims for services provided to the county for payment. Manual claims require prior approval and instruction from the county.

How do I receive payment from the county?

Weekly payroll for attendance/billing through ATS is released every Thursday at midnight. The payment is for one week of care, two weeks prior from the payment date. Depending on your bank’s policies, direct deposit payments can be made within 1-3 business days. View the provider payroll run cycle for 2022, 2023 (2023 Español), 2024 (2024 Español), and 2025 (2025 Español).

View the CCCAP Provider Handbook (English) / CCCAP Provider Handbook (Spanish) to find more detailed information on the CCCAP Program.)

Payments are only made for the care that is provided that has been authorized by the county department of human/social services. Please make sure you have that authorization paperwork from the county BEFORE providing care.

Manual attendance/billing may only be used if you have an approved ATS waiver, or if you have approval from your county. You must submit complete, official manual claim forms within 60 days of the date that care was provided, or payment is forfeited. Manual claim forms are submitted with monthly attendance. Counties have 30 days to process manual claims, and payments are released at midnight on the date the claim is processed. View "Forms" for the manual claim form.

Will I need to pay taxes for CCCAP?

You are responsible for taxes that may be due on the income you receive from CCCAP. You will receive a Form 1099 from the county that you did business with. These forms are required to be mailed by January 31 of each year.

Log into the ATS via the Provider Hub.

  • We do not endorse any specific devices for ATS. However, the device you choose must operate using the iOS or Android operating system and it must be able to access the Apple App Store or Google Play. We recommend searching for "affordable tablets" online if you are still looking to purchase a device. We also recommend purchasing a secure device holder, which will allow you to attach a tablet or smartphone to a secure item to prevent someone from walking away with it. If you need assistance acquiring a device, we recommend talking to your Early Childhood Council


Waiver and Manual Claim Resources

You are now able to log into all of your provider resources from one place, the Department of Early Childhood (CDEC)'s Provider Hub. The Provider Hub will be your access point to the QRIS Portal, Licensing, the CCCAP Attendance Tracking System (ATS), and the PDIS, as well as where you will update your operational status.


Questions? Need more information?

Contact your county department of human/social services for assistance.​


CCCAP Provider Handbook in English and Spanish

Please view the CCCAP Provider Handbook in English or the CCCAP Provider Handbook in Espanol to find more detailed information on the CCCAP Program.